
Very Quick setup

DoTH-DNS can be setup very quick by just running one command

$ dothdns run

How ever it is not recommended. Because the important encryption part will not work properly. Better is to take some time and configure your local copy a bit.

Quick Setup

A quick but secure setup.

  1. Initialize config directory

Create a local copy of the configuration files. The directory will be created in your home directory.

$ dothdns config
  1. Add TLS certificate

To use proper encryption you need to add a certificate and corresponding key to ‘~/DoTH-DNS/certificates/’. The certificate needs to be named cert.crt and the key key.key unless you modify the configs.

Alternatively you can setup Let’s Encrypt with traefik.

  1. Add .htpasswd file [optional/recommended]

To secure your traefik dashboard add a .htpasswd file to ‘~/DoTH-DNS/traefik-docker/shared/’ containing a user-password-string following htpasswd standard.

$ htpasswd -c ~/DoTH-DNS/traefik-docker/shared/.htpasswd <YOUR USERNAME>
  1. Start DoTH-DNS

Now you are ready to start the stack and call

$ dothdns run
  1. Secure your pihole dashboard

If you have not set the WEBPASSWORD environment variable for the pi-hole docker it will generate a random password for you which will be shown in the output of dothdns run. You should now set a secure password for your pihole dashboard (or deactivate it).

$ docker exec pihole pihole -a -p <PASSWORD>
  1. Activate DNSSEC [optional/recommended]

Now you can log into your pihole dashboard and activate DNSSEC to validate DNS results. If DNSSEC runs you can check here or more verbose here.

After setup

After setting DoTH-DNS up you need to setup your clients to use the new DNS server. If you use self-signed certificates you should install the root CA certificate on your devices.


Configuration is guessed by DoTH-DNS if not set by the user. For setting configuration parameters you have three options. The shown order is also their ranking:

  1. commandline options / flags

  2. environment variables

  3. configuration file (dothdns.ini)

1. Commandline options / flags

There are several options and flag you can set when interacting with DoTH-DNS on the commandline. See API for more information.

2. Environment variables

The following configuration you can set via EnvVars:

  • TRAEFIK_AUTH [true|false]


  • ARCHITECTURE [x86|arm]





  • PROXY [true|false]

See API for more information to single options.

3. Configuration file

You can also write the EnvVars to a ‘dothdns.ini’ or ‘.dothdns.ini’ file. The file must be either in your home directory or inside the ‘DoTH-DNS’ directory.

Additional Configuration

You are free to change configuration files in the DoTH-DNS directory. But beware that this can mess up the whole configuration. To reset the configs you can use the dothdns init command (see API).


All containers are logging by default. Pihole’s logs are accessible via the dashboard. For the logs of the other containers call

$ docker logs <CONTAINER>

But there are some handicaps with logging. The DoH-Server only shows Traefik as client because traefik terminates the TLS connection. Pihole has a similar problem. It shows the DoH-Server as client for all DNS queries incoming via DoH.